6 Daily habits to make you look put together

Looking put together can make you feel better and help you put your best foot forward. However, looking well put together can require some planning. Here are some simple tips that will make you look your best.

Shower – Although this might seem obvious to many, some people may think that a night shower means that you can skip your morning shower. What most people may not realize is that everyone sweats when they sleep, so a morning shower will freshen you up and wake you up all at the same time.

Do your hair – Some women may think messy bohemian style hair is attractive. But if you want to look well put together, it is a must to wash and blow dry your hair. If you have extra time straighten your hair to give you sleek appearance.

Wear black – Black will instantly make you look professional, slimmer and sophisticated. Consider a black pair of jeans, coupled with a black singlet and a fitted black Complete your look with closed toe black or nude heels.

Run a lint roller all over you – If you’re wearing black, you will have to get any white fibers off your clothes. Run your lint roller all over yourself to ensure your clothes look their best.

De-crease – Creases on your clothes can make your clothes stand out for the wrong reasons. Look at ironing your clothes the night before and hanging them over night.

Wear natural makeup – Natural; subtle makeup will make you look like you’re not wearing any makeup at all. Look at foundation, mascara, blusher and eye liner.
